Attack on Cellius


It is the dawn of a new century, one hundred years since the The Great Realization. Cellius has opened The School of Consciousness as a symbol of this new era. Virulius The UnBalancer, Leader of the Robot Nations, sees the School as a threat and leads his antigen hordes in an attack on Cellius. Divinar The Analogist is alerted and organizes a Cellian response.

The struggle brings together Divinar's daughter, Princess Marina, and Tyronal, leader of the outlaw Amino Gang. Their love story unfolds against a background of desperate conflict: Mitochondrians, Ribosomians, Histones and Aminos join forces to resist a Virulian blitzkrieg aimed at destroying Cellius' delicate ecological balance.

Hope fades when Virulius unleashes Naysteler, a hellish power-absorbing weapon that feeds on the very energy that attempts to destroy it. Naysteler meets Divinar in a final confrontation that will determine the survival - or death - of Cellian civilization.

The environmental terrorism of Virulius mimics the invasion of a biological cell by a simple virus. The line between reality and fiction blurs as the parts of a cell are brought to life in human roles that reflect their actual cell functions.

The "world is a biological cell" metaphor conveys the sense of many different ideas existing together in an enclosed arena. The story likens the Virulian invasion to the assault of a new idea (a virus) upon a "living" set of co-existing ideas (a generic cell). The novel features an epic theme, dramatized by a climactic battle which pits, in Divinar's words, "the ...Unconscious force of Temnein ... [against] ... the Conscious force of the collected knowledge of Cellius."

 Attack On Cellius introduces Contextual Geometry - The Geometry of Ideas, a logical framework that offers engineering definitions of ideas, thinking, and Consciousness. Contextual Geometry observes that we exist in a universe of energy, and everything in this universe is composed of energy.

 It then assumes that if ideas exist in this universe, they too must be composed of energy. This implies that ideas must obey the same laws of physics that govern all forms of energy.

 Using the same reasoning, if Consciousness is composed of ideas, then Consciousness itself is composed of energy and must obey the laws of physics.

 Albert Einstein established the equivalency of energy and matter with his equation E=MC2. This implies that ideas can be viewed as having a material (physical) form. Just as Geometry is the branch of mathematics that describes the structure of physical objects, so Contextual Geometry describes the structure of physical ideas.

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