Tony Giovia

Hi, John.  There certainly are interesting depths in NLP.  I'd like to comment on a few of your points drawn from different posts, and I hope I am not taking anything of yours out of context. BTW, from the level of conversation here I wouldn't be surprised if these thoughts  (or ones like them ) have already been tossed around by your group.

>>> There is a direct relationship between the structure of human thinking (cognition and the neural structures - brain, CNS, skin, eyes, etc.) and the structure of the intelligence in the universe -- they match ... they are 'designed' to work together. <<<

Add 'and the structure of the universe itself' to this relationship ( a given, I think, and for economy maybe just left unsaid by you ) and 'compartments' of existence - the structure of thinking, the structure of intelligence, the structure of the universe - become forms/aspects of the same design.

>>>  Anyway, if the basis [of NLP] is math (also the basis of music and the means [music] to make the insubstantial [math] real and sensate) then it is of the one and the same essential structure of magic and science that has been practiced through eternal time. <<<

It seems to me that defining relationships among the three structures above (thinking, intelligence and the universe itself) implies an 'immanence' of all three structures, as well as orderly interactions. And it also defines the 'same essential structure' you are describing.

>>> From this position the perception is 'egoless' or universal, here time and space are non-linear, non-local and acausal -- MAGICAL! <<<

If magical experiences occur in the universe, then they are a part of the structure of the universe. If they are a part of the structure of the universe, then they must obey the same laws that the universe obeys. If the universe obeys causal laws - I personally don't see how a structure encompassing causality and acausality might work, but I'm willing to listen - then 'magical experiences' are also causally based, although the **appearance** of acausality is certainly the sine qua non -- and kick -- of magic.

Maybe the 'Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology' test applies here. <g>

And, at the least, this 'immanent' design would add some dimension to the concept of  'serial thinking' if only to introduce containment (physical ideas contained within other physical ideas, which to me is the actual mechanics of logic ** though granted this is not a popular idea <g> ** ), perspective (perception of selected ideas), and branching ( 'direction'  or 'context' changes in thought processes). This type of thinking may not conflict with your definition of magic - ie, >>> From this position the perception is 'egoless' or universal, here time and space are non-linear, non-local and acausal -- MAGICAL! <<<




I appreciate your comments ... Thanks. A quick point to ponder ... maybe it's just the appearance of 'causality'.
